The attendant finallly arrived and began getting me hooked up to all the monitors. There were at least eight just on my head, totally should have shaved it beforehand, my hair was goopy in the morning from the pasty stuff they use.
Once I was all hooked up the rest of the night went something like this:
Wakes me up, puts on a C-Pap.
During sleep roll over onto my side.
Wake me up.
"Please lay on your back for this, if you have a C-Pap at home you can lay on your side but for tonight lay on your back."
Fall asleep again.
Wake me up.
This time he puts a strap around my head because I apparently can't keep my mouth shut with the C-Pap on.
Eventually fall asleep again.
Wakes me up at 5:00 and begins to unhook everything.
"How did you sleep?"
I eventually make it home by quarter to six or so and try to stay awake. That didn't last, I fell asleep watching something on Netflix I think.
23 days and counting.