Here are a couple comparison pics, day of surgery and then from last week's pictures.
I can definitely see a difference there. Mostly in my face, but also in how the clothes fit.
Dumping syndrome is a group of symptoms that are most likely to develop if you've had surgery to remove all or part of your stomach, or if your stomach has been surgically bypassed to help lose weight. Also called rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome occurs when the undigested contents of your stomach move too rapidly into your small bowel. Common symptoms include abdominal cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
Now, based of that and what I've heard from other people, it was a very mild dump. I didn't get chills or feel feverish, not did it turn into some kind of ass disaster. What it did do was just come up not long after I ate a few bites of my lunch; and lunch was just two chicken tenders breaded in panko and baked. Left overs from last night. Had one last night and it went down fine, had zero issues with it so I didn't think I would today. I didn't even eat all of it, just two small bites. It's ok though, I'll just stick to mostly liquids with one solid meal a day. Which is a great way to get my protein in, plus the weight goes faster.Most people with dumping syndrome experience symptoms soon after eating. In others, symptoms may occur one to three hours after eating. Some people experience both early and late symptoms.Dumping syndrome is managed by adjusting your diet. In more-serious cases of dumping syndrome, you may need medications or surgery.